Couple little things here that don't deserve a full post by themselves, but put together will do fine. First up is a very mini book review. I finished Savage Scars a few days ago, "A White Scars novel by Andy Hoare" as the cover proclaims. It was a pretty standard Black Library book in that it had plenty of hack-n-slash action, lots of talk about duty and honor, and an underwhelming grasp of how to write a book of real quality. Not to say that the book was bad, or the other Black Library books I've read, just that they're no The Sun Also Rises, but then again they don't aspire to capital-l Literature status. I found two surprises in this book, one a total left-fielder and the other a big disappointment. The left-fielder is a bit of a spoiler, so I'll do some nifty trickery to obscure it for those who wish to remain pure: the book ends with some Deus Ex Machina in the form of...Tyranids. Apparently the book is set in the recent past, before the "first" appearance of the Tyranids in the form of Hive Fleet Behemoth and the epic clash on Macragge that broke the fleet, but also dealt a serious blow to the Ultramarines. After poking around a bit on the interwebs just now I see that if I had a deeper knowledge of all the extant fluff, that is if I'd read other 40k novels before this one, then I would have had a bit of forewarning, but nothing that would have spoiled the surprise. Black Library loves to do this, sly little references here and there for the folks who have devoured everything GW has ever released. While I have a long history in the game, being immersed in the universe for something like 20 years now to varying degrees, I'm making my first forays into the novels, so when books cross-reference each other like this I don't always get it. I suppose that's half the fun though. My second, even less pleasant surprise, was the reason I moved the book to the top of my reading queue in the first place. I like the idea of a biker army and have contemplated a White Scars (or Ravenwing for that matter) army on many occasions. You can imagine my surprise when I turned the last page and did a quick mental count of the number of bikes in Savage Scars: zero. I didn't expect the whole book to be in the saddle, but I thought a decent part of it would be, perhaps even the majority, considering how the White Scars fight. To be fair the White Scars squad that was the focal point of the book was mounted in a Rhino, but when a White Scars book has more heavy weapons (1) than bikes (0) then I think there's a problem. Maybe this book suffered from following Fulgrim in my reading list, which is the best Black Library book I've read thus far, but even in a vacuum the complete lack of bikers would be a disappointment.
Moving on, my birthday was this past Monday. I've found that the best way to not get what you want (gaming paraphernalia) is to ask for it, but I keep asking anyway. Figuring that asking for a gift certificate would be better than asking for a Stormraven or Beast 09, I pointed the family towards the Warstore's gift certificate page. Disappointment followed, but there was a silver lining. Actually it was more of an emerald lining in the form of a stack of cash. I took a trip down to the FLGS, where they finally had a copy of Wrath in stock mere weeks after I got tired of waiting for it to show and found it elsewhere. Finding something to get was harder than I thought it would be. I'd seen an eVlad or two there in the past, so he was top on my list, but was nowhere to be found. Kayazys? Great Bears? Battle mechanics? A plastic Khador jack kit? None of the above. I did see a Field Gun but it wasn't what I wanted. Turning my thoughts to the future two player box I took a look for the guys that I figure, with my nigh total lack of Menoth knowledge, will best run the Exemplar heavy list that I'm already thinking of: Reznick and eKreoss. Skunked on both of those, though they did have more than enough of the High Reclaimer and some pKreoss variants, though I'll get him in the starter box anyway. I took a look for some merc solos like either Eiryss (no), Aiyana and Holt (nope), or Gormann di Wulfe (strike three). Then I remembered the Mage Hunter variant that I liked so much, but no dice there either. It wasn't all doom and gloom though, as I found both the Mercs book and the Menoth book. The final decision was between those books, the Old Witch, Winter Guard Rifle Corps, a Death Company box, and a Sanguinary Guard box. I went with the Old Witch and the Mercs book, reasoning that I could do a slow grow, build with the cards approach to Menoth while I can use the Mercs book now as a sort of reference for what solos I'd like to add. Plus I can finally find out exactly what Kell Bailoch does, and perhaps make a ghetto card for him until I finally put in that order for a mortar spotter spyglass and tack on cards for Kell and Reinholdt. On the way out I spotted the first two books in the Empire army series, Reiksguard and Iron Company, that would complete the series I've been collecting from the fire sale at Borders. Had I looked for these on the way in I probably would have gotten those and the Mercs book, as I have yet to dig into the Old Witch to stir up a burning urge to play her right now, but that isn't how things worked out. Considering how little the GW novels move at the FLGS I don't think I have to worry, and I can always get them (cheaper) through the Warstore. The end result here is that I finally got some gaming goodness for my birthday, even if it took a circuitous route to get there. Plus I'll get to see what having an arc node is like.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Thanks for showing up: Blood Angels vs. Deathwing
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Any time now... |
battle report,
Blood Angels,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Don't take Bulldoze for granted
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Found this on a "my bad" search. Searching "oops" only gave nip slips... |
From one mistake to a potential other, I've made a list that the internet will hate for a game of 40k tomorrow. I have a hard time making a list, or undertaking any enterprise really, that doesn't work as well as it could. As such, I tend towards running similar lists and units because they're just more effective and/or efficient for their cost. Unfortunately this means that a lot of things I like never see the table. In an attempt to embrace 40k as more of a hobby and less of a competitive game, I made a list full of things I like but never play, things like:
- Chaplain
- Baal Predator
- Vindicator
- Attack Bike
- Death Company...
- a Land Raider
Friday, August 26, 2011
Enter the Terminus
EV inquired about a game yesterday and after a few messages we set one up for this (Thursday) morning. He gave me the option of an old caster or a new one, and the choice was an easy one. My first thought was to bring a new caster myself, but Harkevich is still unprimed and I just can't make a Strakhov list that I like with the models I have. Instead I resolved to take a new approach to an old caster. Attrition is my favorite strategy, so I went with an assassination mindset. A rushy pVlad list was my first thought, but I've run that before (and recently). Next up was the caster I had intended to learn first when I started Warmachine: pSorscha. Stalwart of the battlebox, pSorscha is definitely an assassination caster and, for me, trickier to use than her epic form. She has to get close(ish) to use her spells, but doesn't really want to get her own hands dirty. I haven't really used her since my first few games when I was still learning basic concepts like keeping your caster out of easy reach, activation order, what all the pieces do, the rules, things like that. Thus while pSorscha isn't really a new caster to me, this would be my first game with her where I felt comfortable with the game in general.
battle report,
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I (didn't) feel the earth move under my feet
All but done. |
The rumbling had an effect on my hobby progress today. When the quake hit I was working on Orsus, and once I realized what was going on my first thought was "I need to stop painting so I don't get shaken into screwing up my work." Once I was satisfied that everyone I knew was safe and the house was in tact I sat back down to finish up the metals, but I'd lost enough time to not want to tackle the base today. As such, the Butcher himself is done, but the ground beneath him is still in need of work.
A new view for non-Khadorans. |
Full disclosure: this paint job is as much to get the mini done as to make it look wonderful. I started with high aspirations when I did the face, but my steam has diminished somewhat since starting and considering the mountain of plastic and pewter awaiting paint it seemed prudent to get the model done first and worry about how pretty it is second. That said I'm still pleased with the results. Orsus has a Terminatoresque "heraldry shield" which hasn't been touched beyond the basic green that I'd like to do something more to, but I'm not sure what. My first thoughts were to put the Khadoran anvil on it, or perhaps a 5th Border Legion badge, but it's in a tricky to reach spot and I may just leave it as-is. Now to figure out snow basing...
How long has it been?
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Picture unrelated. |
- Names withheld to protect the innocent, but I've just spent a couple minutes looking at various commission painting sites It's amazing what people will pay for and what passes as "pro" painting. You get what you pay for, so when you troll the cheaper end of the spectrum you have to expect a hit to quality, but mold lines are unacceptable at any price. Washes seem like the best way to churn out minis, so if it's your business to churn out minis why would you skip washes and go with only base coats? I'm not a "pro" so perhaps I'm missing the finer points.
- The 40k itch is back. I blame Fulgrim, which I finished this afternoon. It is my favorite of the series so far and the first that made the fall to Chaos believable for me. The Emperor's Children present an easier nut to crack in terms of motivation, but that doesn't take away from the book as a whole. This is what I expected the series to be from the beginning, hopefully the books to follow can keep up.
- Thoughts of armies follows the itch like q does p. I think I may have found a way to paint a variety of marines while keeping them as part of a whole: a crusade. This approach lacks the cohesion of a single Chapter army, but does allow for a broad range of schemes. I think I've had this idea before and discarded it though. Ultimately I think I want about a company's worth of every chapter, along with pre- and post-heresy traitor legions. Is that so wrong?
- This is a larger topic for another day, but I've been rolling around why spam is so dominant in 40k and so (relatively) despised in Warmachine. While returning to this thought at work today I came to a realization: I like Warmachine as a game because of the lack of spam, but I like 40k as a hobby/platform for art because of the spam. I have no real desire to collect 100 Winter Guard, but I'd gladly spend the rest of the year (at the least) painting up companies of various Chapters. Motivations are funny things.
Monday, August 15, 2011
New painting, old list
This pic was the best of the bunch... |
Friday, August 12, 2011
Where did the time go?
Color balance is better here, but worse in person. |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I don't like math, or how I came to want a Marauder
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I have a BA and not a BS for a reason. |
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Greener Pastures?
EV has a future as a foot model. |
army musings,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A Game of Inches
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The inches we need are everywhere around us. |
battle report,
Monday, August 1, 2011
Close enough to call it done
Effectively finished. |
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