All but done. |
As for the painting itself, it went like this. First off, black primer to start and all paints are Vallejo Game Colors. For the skin I started with Sombre Grey, then a 50/50 mix of Sombre and Wolf Grey. This was darker than anticipated, so next time I'll try a 2:1 Wolf/Sombre mix. Next was straight Wolf Grey as a first highlight, then Dead White as a final highlight. The underplates began with Heavy Warmgrey, then got a wash of Devlan Mud, then Bonewhite and Dead White highlights with a final wash of Gryphonne Sepia. The upperplates started with Leather Brown, followed by the nigh-ubiquitous Devlan Mud, Scrofulous Brown (a nice orangey brown), and Filthy Brown as a highlight. To finish the upperplates I picked out the "baranacles" with Hot Orange, then did an edge highlight of the plates and barnacles with Orange Fire, and finished off the larger tips with Beasty Brown. The Carni painted up fairly quick except for the upperplates. Granted I did everything after the wash with a detail brush which added some time on, but there are lots of nooks and crannies that I didn't want to fill in. Overall I'm very pleased with the results.
Objectified. |
In still other news, I just finished pinning the top set of wings on the Angelius. Hopefully the smaller sets attach as easily. I have a 50 pointer scheduled for early afternoon and hope to get a team game in after that which will complete both my three games for the week and my second team game of the league. Then I'll just have to finish the markers to check off all the patches, which will let me focus on playing games next week to finish the league strong.
great to see this scheme work out! nice..